Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I've been eyeing this blog for a while and I think I'd had enough of his flamebait posts. His recent posts about the "PS3 is a sinking ship" just really stirs me up. I'll admit I own a PS3 and I'm a member of PinoyPS.com. I play Xbox 360 games too. I love Halo 3 and Gears of War as much as I love Resistance 2 and Little Big Planet. I just really don't get this guy. Earlier on he deleted one of my comments when all I did was tell him that his posts were flaimbait material. Yeah I agree its news but there's a hidden agenda. He's indirectly trying to frustrate the people of PinoyPS because he thinks PinoyPXB is much cooler and hip.
Mr. ThirdWorldGamer. Prove to yourself that you are a real gamer by not doing this kind of stuff. We all know the bickering going on between PinoyPS and PinoyPXB but this has got to stop. How come you only publish the negative news on the PS3? When some positive news comes out, you scorn it instead and change it into something atrocious. I made a comment a while back during your news on the LittleBigPlanet server issues but you had to delete it. Why? I only commented that the way you posted it was bound to attract fanboys. Now you had to go in and totally block all comments on your blog.
A real gamer, plays the GAMES and not the CONSOLES. Out of my respect for your writing prowess, this will be the last time you hear from me. But if you do continue this type of posting, please expect to hear from me more.
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