Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What I want for Christmas

In tradition to what everyone does, I've decided to post my Christmas wish list after all. But unlike everyone else who's got top 10's I've only got a top 3 list. And they are as follows.

#3 Playstation 3 Games
Due to my limited budget, I haven't been able to buy the games I want for my PS3. There are exactly 3 games that I want to at least have even if it takes me until next year to get them all. Metal Gear Solid 4, Valkyria Chronicles and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.

#2 Shiny Tech Gadgets
There are only 2 tech gadgets I want this Christmas. One would be the Motorola E6 Rokr and the other a Sony Vaio CR Series Red Notebook.

#1 Confidential
And my number 1 is... well, I can't really say this out in public right now since its a bit more of a personal subject. Let's just say it has something to do with my life. Maybe one day when all is well, I'll be going back to this post and editing it when I've finally set things right.

And there you have it, my lame top 3 Christmas list.

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