Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Old school casual

I'm playing Pangya again, but this time on the Albatross 18 server (aka Pangya Int'l). All because of the release of Pangya Portable for the PSP. This game brought back a lot of memories. There is also something else that made me play this game and I can't believe its gone full circle since then.

After a month of pestering Jarjar has finally got my check approved. All need to do now is go back to the office to kill him pick up the check and get it encashed. After which I finally get to pay some bills and finally buy some stuff I should have gotten during the Christmas season. I'll be passing by there on Thursday.

TeleTech is really giving me a tough time. They want me to wait until all the agent slots are filled because that's the priority for them right now. The HR person even asked me if I wanted to be an agent. Hell no! I'm not starting from zero again. I've been a supervisor in a previous call center and a supervisor (of sorts) when I was at Outblaze. There is no way they are placing me in rank and file again. I have to wait until the 10th - 15th for the IT opennings.

I've finally attained the Burnout Paradise License and a Gold Trophy for PSN! It took a lot of grinding though. What the? Did I just say that a driving game feels like an MMO?

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Blogger kurohiko said...

Lol, boo you and your free character! xD I didn't get to DL the client yet, so I won't win.

Pretty artwork is pretty though. :3

January 6, 2009 at 10:23 PM 
Blogger Shijirou said...

The character is still available no one has contacted me yet. ^^

January 10, 2009 at 1:24 PM 

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