Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The new 20.
Been watching a lot of the new Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. I didn't like the transition of the late night show since Conan O' Brien left but this new guy is earning my respect a little bit, though the bowling bit seems a little weird.
Anyway, its been a while and I'm still jobless. Two opportunities were wasted when I waited for Smart. Its so cruel that they never called back despite telling me that I was the man for the job and that I would definitely be hired. Turns out they never called back, and my waiting for them has cost me another job. I was also practically hired at Convergys. All I needed to do was sign the official contract papers and I'm good. But no, I had to wait for Smart because the benefits they offered were more tempting. Icy was right, I should have jumped to Convergys when I had the chance. Chalk it up to experience I guess. As for my Dad, I can tell he's getting impatient, he's telling me to skip looking for a job here locally and start shooting for abroad if I ever want to see my dream fulfilled in this lifetime.
My gaming life has been trimmed down as well. With no money, I wasn't able to buy Killzone 2, Street Fighter 4 and Resident Evil 5. Don't get me wrong I still have a couple of finances coming in thru our apartment rentals and my other sidelines but with the economy going wacko all over, saving takes more priority. Sometimes I envy those who just blindly spend without thinking about the consequences. What an easy life it must be. However, I dived in to my old gaming PC library and found nostaliga once again. I spent some hours on Star Trek Starfleet Command 3, a starship simulation game, taking on the Borg and the Romulans either as a Klingon or a Federation ship. I've also started playing a game that I neglected to play way back. It's an old epic stealth game called Theif. It's pure stealth gameplay, stealthier than Metal Gear if I do say so myself. You play as a Master Theif during the medivial era in a mystical Europe. The story is well made and I can say that its one of the most immersive games I've ever played. I've also gone back into playing Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3 and still trying to finish it. I'm still grinding my characters to level 20 so I can get all the skills unlocked and so that I would be able to beat Maximillian on the last chapter. Other than that, form time to time I still get to play a bit of Pangya and Gundam Seed on my brother's PSP.
Finally down to the thinking. In the past few days I was reminded by myself that I was bound to something and that I needed to strive. A person whom I've cared for so much once told me that I should spread my wings and soar. Now is a good time as ever as I try to straighten out and fix my life which is still pretty much disorganized. I'm still hoping and praying for a dream that I only realized this late in my life. Historically, the youth in my generation had dreams as early as their elementary days. I for one, never had a tangible dream. I was more of an optimist who hoped for the best and would take whatever would come in my way. As the past turningpoint occured, I'm still reeling from its effects. I shrouded myself in loneliness but found out that I needed to go and look forward. The past is the past. It happened, it couldn't be helped no matter how much planning and thinking you do. The past is what makes you move forward. Having said that, the past is the only thing I have left as it is the only driving force that makes me move forward.
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